Tuesday, January 25, 2011

China Glaze Ingrid

Okay, first off, I must leave a note to self to work harder on keeping my hands & cuticles soft! I wash them between 25 and 40 times a day at work depending on how many patients I have, and they get pretty atrocious during the winter. I am a reformed nail picker, and am working on being a reformed cuticle picker. *See hangnail on middle finger* Dry cuticles are too tempting to pick at, even when my nails look nice.

But on to Ingrid. I had to come to grips with this one. I'm not sure what I was expecting when I bought it... Maybe a little lighter and more greyed out? I drooled over it on ALU, and got it when I saw the Vintage Vixen display in Sally's. I tried it on and it was brown. Just brown. I was so disappointed.

I have since come to love it. Yes, it is brown. And I love brown. So there you go. It has a faint shimmer that keeps it from being dull. The formula was a little watery, but has great coverage with 2 thick-ish coats. Shown over Bonder, with a topcoat of Poshe. I put it on last night, and this is after washing my hair and a day at work. Hardly any tip wear. I wish I loved Poshe like I love Seche Vite. Or that Seche Vite didn't have such shrinkage. I've tried wrapping my tips and it doesn't help me much. (I usually don't have 1 color on long enough to worry about it anyway!)

And omg! I have a follower! Hi Kellie. :) I'm a goober. I totally look at Kellie's blog daily, but haven't formerly followed her yet. Off to remedy this. And post a polish-filled package to my bestie.

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