Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Enchanted Polish Austin Powers

I've had this one in my stash for awhile now after snatching it up in a blog sale. I've recently read that it's being re-released, so I thought I'd dust off my photos and post this thing. 

Austin Powers is a densely packed gold glitter polish with a linear holographic component and copper/bronze hexes. It is very versatile polish, looking great over both light and dark colors, as well as on its own. I originally swatched it over Zoya Dove, so that's what is shown in these first couple of pictures. Please, enbiggen these photos.

One coat of Austin Powers over Zoya Dove

I was inspired by Jeanette's post, so later threw it on over a mystery dark mani. :) I did paint just two coats of Austin Powers on the index finger.

Two coats of Austin Powers on index nail, one coat over a dark creme on other nails

Blurred to show the linear holo, rainbow glitter beauty

The nail polish world was saddened by the news that Austin Powers was being retired. This is why I may have been fist pumping and emailing in Walmart when I happened to see a posting on Instagram that this beauty was being sold (unused!!) in a blog sale. Groceries? What?

As I said at the beginning of the post, it's being re-released with Ballerina Slippers and will be able to be found at the following sites:, and Keep an eye out!


  1. very pretty, i adore this effect x

  2. OMG - this is one of my very favorite polishes! It never occurred to me to layer it over anything! d'oh!

    1. I usually cant be bothered with layering, but I want to make this one last. :) I also love the look over a dark polish.


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