I've been putting a lot of thought into this blog and the direction I want to take it. It started as a place to post pictures and remind myself what the twenty polishes I had looked like on my hands.
My stash has grown, and I'm now spending most of my polish time creating new stuff for Paint Box Polish. I still love painting my nails, and they are almost never naked. I also love the excitement of creating custom orders for customers. In order to spend more time creating and not always feel the pull of, "You really need to post this mani..." I've decided to change how I use this page...
I am going to post photos of my manis on my Instagram account (link over there --->). This way, I can still spread the love and share polish - both awesome and not so awesome - with my followers. I plan to share inspiration for new polishes and sneak peeks here. If you follow via Bloglovin (also over there --->), you can be alerted when I've published something new.
There is also a new tab up top. I've listed my polishes exclusively through Etsy before, but I'm going to be transitioning over to Big Cartel. I think their set up is much cleaner looking and easier to navigate. Links to both shops are in the "Paint Box Polish Shop" tab.
So, I'll continue to be around, just in a bit of a different way. Obviously, writing is not my strong suit, and I think IG is a more Pam-friendly format. :) Drop me a line at pam@paintboxpolish.com if you have questions, suggestions, or are in need of a custom order - one bottle or one hundred!
I've missed your pictures, so I'm glad to find you in Instagram!