Tuesday, September 4, 2012

China Glaze First Mate & Black Poppy Gold Saran Wrap mani

I wore China Glaze First Mate for the Doctor Who season 7 premiere Saturday. I was going to do something more fancy-pants, but ran out of time. So, TARDIS blue it was! (If you want to see an awesome set of Doctor Who nails, check out Sarah's post at Samarium's Swatches!)

Two perfect coats of First Mate. Man, I love China Glaze's formula!

Last night, I was putting away dinner and decided to try the Saran Wrap mani I've been seeing everywhere. It's very simple! I cut off a few pieces of Saran Wrap and scrunched them down into loose balls. I added a coat of Black Poppy Gold to one nail, then immediately smooshed the Saran Wrap ball onto the nail. It lifts off some polish, and mars up what's left on the nail for a cool effect. 

Sorry about the blurriness of the photo, I was quickly snapping and didn't realize it wasn't clear. I;m shooting with the wrong hand as I've got a nasty hangnail on my left hand.


  1. Oooh, cool! I've been meaning to try this too, but haven't gotten around to it yet!

    1. You should, it's super easy! I was a little slow on a couple of nails and it didn't smudge very much, but still had a very cool effect.

      Also, I got my first stamping plates in the mail yesterday! :) I'm just waiting on the scraper and stamper I ordered.


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