Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Cult Nails In A Trance and Duri Rejuvacote doesn't like Seche Vite

In A Trance is the second (and last!) polish I got in the $7 Cult Nails sale. It is a murky olive green with a pretty prominent golden shimmer. I think the shimmer is even more visible on the nail than in the bottle. It went on like butter and had absolutely perfect coverage in two coats. I really love Cult Nails' full brush. You can load up with polish very easily and the fat cap is a cinch to control. 

The thing about this manicure that makes me unhappy is that shrinkage. This is about 12 hours after applying the polish. I've heard the wonders of Duri Rejuvacote and snagged a bottle in hopes of improving my seriously peel-y nails with it. So far it's been a big fat fail, but I'm not giving up. The above photos are with one coat of Rejuvacote, two coats of color, and Seche Vite to top it off. I'll play with different combos soon.

Have any of you tried Rejuvacote? Any secret weapons or techniques for peeling nails? I use a glass file, and that's helped, but both of my index nails and my right spirit finger (As Maria from Cult Nails calls it) continue to give me fits.


  1. I've been having a terrible time with peeling too, and haven't yet found any fixes. The thing that baffles me is that I haven't changed a thing in over 20 years - diet, nail care, etc. - but have only recently developed this problem. Last year I used Qtica Natural Nail Growth Stimulator with some success, but left it off and now the problem is worse than ever.

    1. My nails have always peeled easily, and before I polished consistently, I was a horrible nail picker. I didn't bite, but I would manually peel off all the free edge. So, they've never been as long as I'm wearing now, which is probably why the peeling is more noticeable.

      I was going to get Qtica's Stimulator because I've heard good things, but found Rejuvacote for $5 on Amazon. :) We'll see how it does.

  2. Oh no! I use Duri Rejuvacote as well, but this didn't happen to me when I used In a Trance last weekl. But... I haven't used SV with any Cult Nails Polishes yet. I've been sticking with their Wicked Fast.
    Possibly it isn't the Duri, maybe the SV??!?

    1. I've been working through different topcoat/basecoat combos and found that using Rejuvacote as a base and Poshe as topcoat works nicely. Now I just hope that Rejuvacote really does help my peeling nails.


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