Friday, June 22, 2012

Pretty & Polished Party On My Yacht

I happened to snatch this polish up by accident when I was linking Chelsea’s Etsy store to my last Pretty & Polished post. I was so excited to get this one!

Better to see the pretties... and the dry skin. Sorry!

The above photo is with 2 coats of Party on My Yacht and a coat of Seche Vite. I did get some tiny balding areas near the base of my nail, but that’s mine and SV’s fault, not the polishes. It was totally smooth after application and I had no curling, separating, etc. The glitter was nicely suspended and I didn’t have to shake the bottle like crazy.


  1. I absolutely love this! The colors and finish are perfect!

    1. Isn't it great? I love that it's so simple, but fun as well. Do you have a Twitter account? She (Chelsea - Pretty & Polished) always posts to Twitter and Facebook when she's opening her shop and you can usually get them if you're there when they pop up. :) You know, thrill of the hunt and all...

    2. I do have twitter, but I never use it! Might have to start!

    3. Twitter is great for finding out when there are great sales at stores like Ulta and Sephora, for finding out when Etsy shops are going to open, and when HTF polishes are in stock at places like Llarowe and (Staying off of Twitter will probably save you lots of money!)

  2. That is really cute. I often find that white can come off as too "here I am!", but the glitter makes it look more subtle, and soooo much nicer than a plain white nail.

    1. Thanks, Kristina. I really hate light polishes that have a chalky look to them. You know, the ones that make it look like you did a mani with White-Out? This one has a squishy-ness about it and the glitter really livens it up!


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