Wednesday, January 4, 2012

OPI Jade is the New Black

Here we have another unposted pic I found when sifting through my uploaded pictures. I found this on sale for 50% off at a JC Penney Salon (which has since closed... BOO!) right after the Texas Collection came out. I contemplated getting Don't Mess With OPI until I saw the price. JITNB was separated and rather icky looking on the shelf, but I can shake the snot out of a polish for half off! It worked out very nicely as it is a beautiful, opaque color.


  1. That's such a great shade of green. I've considered getting that one myself!

  2. I'm really glad I got it, not the green from the Texas collection. I wasn't a huge fan of the "sorbet" finish. That being said, I'm thinking of doing a jelly sandwich mani with Houston We Have a Purple.


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