Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Zoya Zanna

Yeah! I'm back! After a brief break because my nails were going through a terrible peeling stage, I'm finally able to paint them again! Good thing too since I finally got my B1G1F BACKORDERED Zoyas today!

I absolutely love this one! I wasn't too excited about it in the bottle (it looked a little mauve-y), but I let my 3 year old pick which one of my new polishes to try out first and this is the one she chose. I gotta say, she has a good eye! It's a nice (as Pam would say) palette cleanser after some of the crazy colors. It's also a great pink for fall. Muted and subtle. As always, love the Zoya polish! This one only took one coat! Definitely a keeper!


  1. That one is pretty - never even noticed it before, but now I'll have to put it on my list!

  2. Yay!!!! Abbie's back! I love that color. Zoya is going to be adding a wish list to the site and I will definitely add this one. Sarah's got good taste. :)


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