I happened to come across a post on blogger or Tumblr of a frankened holo polish that was so completely beautiful that it made me jealous. And order a gram of SpectraFlair (SF for the sake of typing, k?) for myself! My first attempt was a total fail. I mixed some Zoya Mira and SF in a bottle of clear Wet N' Wild.
Learn from my mistakes, dear frankening virgins, glitters and holos need a thicker base. All that beautiful SF sank straight to the bottom. I have since found
TKB Trading, where one can order polish bases, pigments, bottles, and anything else a creative do-it-yourself polish freak may want! I have yet to indulge, but will be placing an order soon!
What I ended up using was a 3/4 empty bottle of Sally Hansen Hard as Wraps that had gotten rather thick. It worked much, much better. There is some sinkage after time, but the SF stays suspended nicely while polishing if you shake it up with some bb's in the bottle. I also added my mini OPI Color So Hot it Berns and a bit of my Nails Inc Charing Cross. Yes, dear readers, note the very un-red color below. I have read that it is very difficult (if not impossible) to keep the red with SF. It turns the reddest of reds a bright pink. On to the results!
This is the original mix with a flash. It was very pretty, but I wanted more holo. I added just a little bit at a time, because it is difficult to take away once mixed in. Silly me. Is it possible to have too much holo?
This is with a flash after adding more holo powder. Nice and obvious linear pattern. :)
And this is what it looks like in the sun. I'm very, very happy with this mixture and have enough powder for another 3-4 polishes. Thinking I might mix up a black holo next.